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Haus of Gloi: Valentine's Day 2015

What new goodies does the Haus have in store this year?
Over the past year, Haus of Gloi has experienced a massive explosion in popularity. I suppose it's not too much of a surprise given the quality of their products, the range of fragrances, and just how gosh darn likeable they are. Add to that the free shipping on samples, bath and body goodies... well, you can read our company overview for more details and praise.

However, with great expansion comes a price, and there have definitely been growing pains. With any upcoming release now, I set an alert on my phone and am on the website 10 minutes beforehand in preparation to add what I want to my cart in a mad dash. I've had products sell out before I even finish paying! It's frustrating, but at the same time I can't help but feel pleased for the Haus's massive success and am hopeful that as they get a handle on things so that future releases won't be quite so frenzied.
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