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'Yo, yo! It's a Garry Marshall movie!'

Halle Berry is one of the stars of New Year's Eve. AP

'Yo, yo! It's a Garry Marshall movie!'

Hollywood celebs have fun on New Year's Eve

NEW Year's Eve is supposed to be a fun time for everyone. And it apparently was just as enjoyable doing a movie about New Year's Eve.

Directed by Garry Marshall, New Year's Eve (the movie), stars an ensemble cast including Robert De Niro, Katherine Hiegl, Halle Berry, Hilary Swank and Jon Bon Jovi. It's touted as a sequel of sorts to Marshall's previous movie, Valentine's Day, because, like Valentine's Day, it features several vignettes about what goes on in the final hours of the last day of the year.

And the stars apparently did have a fun time on set. For Swank, a plus point was working with Berry - and that she didn't have to die onscreen.

"That's always a plus. I don't have to learn an accent. I don't have to gain or lose weight. I don't have to box. I don't have to pass as a boy! I was kind of at a loss as to what to do with myself. I was like: 'Really? All I have to do is learn lines'?" she said.

"Working with Robert DeNiro and Halle Berry was fun. I know both of them but this is the first time any of us have worked together. (Robert) is very kind and funny. He's got a great smile and he's a sweetheart," she continued.

"It was really quiet on the set and Halle was in the bathroom connected to where we were doing the scene. I thought she was really preparing. She comes out, takes the clapper and she goes: (in high-pitched voice) 'Yo, yo! It's a Garry Marshall movie! Take two!'

"She inhaled helium in the bathroom! I just burst out laughing. It was a fun set."

Interestingly, it was Berry's involvement (she plays a nurse) that made Bon Jovi agree to do this.

"Didn't I say I quit this? I did! (But) Halle Berry asked for me to be in it and who in their right mind would say 'no' to Halle Berry? My wife even hi-fived me on this. And I agreed to do it," he said. "It was as simple as that. Of course, Garry Marshall is a living legend. Because of Halle and Garry, I said: 'What the hell?'

"Getting back in front of the camera, I realised that I still love it. Having a real director like Garry and being in a movie that has more money in the catering budget than the kind of movies I have been doing allows for things like multiple takes and great lighting," he added.

As for what New Year's Eve meant to them, Bon Jovi quipped: "New Year's is a beautiful day because there's no pressure - no exchange of presents. It's the end of something old and start of something new so I always enjoy it."

"Quite honestly, I often don't make it until midnight!" said Swank.

"I'm 36 and already I've become like a grandma. I usually have friends over and have a nice dinner. We just sit around and reflect on the year and talk about what we want to have happen next year in our lives.

She added: "Sometimes, we do a fun thing where we write down what we want to have happen in our lives and we fold it up, save it and bring it back the next year. But I usually never make it until midnight.

"That's why I watch the ball drop on TV, because I'm in Los Angeles and at 9pm, the ball drops and we all go: 'Happy New Year!'" TRANSCRIPT COURTESY WARNER BROS

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