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Plaza Senayan Winner's Anouncement for 15th Celebration of Style

Yesterday on 24th of June 2011 at Diagonale Plaza Senayan

By invitation only, winners and media are gathering here

We are served with light refreshment since 2.30 PM

We are waiting until 3PM, it's officially starting late and due to some people that's smoking inside the room, the condition is bit unbearable for me. Unfortunately Indonesia haven't put their foot down on the law of no smoking indoor including places like these . . . I miss Singapore

After another round of light refreshment

It's finally starting

After a brief speech from Plaza Senayan, the winners of 15 iPhone 4 are asked to come to the stage and they handed them the prize. Insider info: All of them already know they won the prize and paid the taxes, this is only a ceremony. Maybe that's why like half of them didn't come.

Then it's Ladies Pose-O-Graph Winners. They won vouchers and accessories 

Last but not least the winners from #PSoulmate on Twitter, we were clueless since the emails only said invitation without any clue around the contest. But I'm glad I came ^_^ We won products from The Body Shop and vouchers.

Curious about what I said on twitter?


So, all of you Plaza Senayan lovers, do join up the fun next time!!

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